Maya Meyers

Hi! My name is Maya and I am so grateful that you are taking the time to view my work! I have a burning fire for creativity and really just started in photography as an outlet. But it has turned into so much more for me. I truly love what I do. From meeting my amazing clients and capturing beautiful moments, to going home and spending hours on editing. It truly lights up my soul and I am so grateful for each and every one of you who make this possible.

When I’m not behind my camera, I’m probably playing with my son, Colter, snuggling my huskies, or doing something outdoors. I grew up in the mountains of Santa Cruz, CA, and then moved to Montana for four years with the goal of becoming a wildlife biologist. This is where I found my love for photography. Although that goal has changed, you can still find me frequently stalking the local wildlife with my camera, and if you would like to incorporate animals into your photoshoot, I probably won’t be able to hide my excitement (I’ll bring the dog treats.)